Returns & Cancellations

We hope that you are entirely satisfied with your purchases. However it is your responsibility to check your order carefully upon receipt of goods. In the unlikely event that you find the product(s) damaged or faulty we will of course offer a refund or exchange. We have to be notified within 14 days of receipt of order - if you fail to inform us within 14 days of receipt you will be deemed to have accepted the goods.

Non-faulty goods must be returned within 14 days after receiving the product. If you fail to inform us within 14 days of receipt you will be deemed to have accepted the goods. The cost of the goods will be refunded (excluding original delivery fees), so long as the goods are still in the condition in which they left our warehouse. The return postage will not be refunded unless the reason for return is due to a mistake by ourselves. We cannot be held responsible for returned goods being lost in transit without proof of postage.

Sale items are all non refundable.

Undelivered items will be held at your local sorting office by DHL if you were unavailable to take delivery whether signed for or not. If uncollected the item will be returned to us. We will contact you to let you know it has been returned and reserve the right to charge you a further shipping charge if you would like the item redelivered. With this in mind DHL may take up to 3 weeks to return the undelivered item. We will not resend or replace the item until 3 weeks has elapsed. If you have a problem with the product, please contact us before you return the item, at